Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Couples to Behold: Nikki and Steve McMinn

Steve is another great guy who grew up with Mark, and Nikki is his sweet wife. I first met them when we attended their wedding several years ago, and they were blessed to have their first child, Garrett, this last summer.

One thing I've noticed about their relationship is that they seem really supportive of one another. Someone asked me not too long ago what I thought to be one of the most important qualities of a good spouse, and being supportive was what I immediately answered. From when I've seen Nikki and Steve together as parents, to being at Steve's surprise birthday party Nikki organized a few years ago to miscellaneous other times spent together at events, they just appear to be a supportive couple. Such a great quality to try to emulate!

Another great couple to know. :)

** Don't forget to vote for my blog to be one of the top 10 marriage blogs of 2010!

Steve and Nikki at the Chaudhari wedding, June 2010


  1. This is very humbling and couldn't have come at a better time in our lives. Thank you!

  2. Aw, well good! You're welcome. :)


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